Dead Island 2 – 1 Year Anniversary!

Slayers, time flies as swiftly as a smashed zombie brain sailing through the air! Can you believe it's been a whole year since we embarked on this thrilling journey? Raise your glasses with us as we commemorate this epic milestone!

Let's take a nostalgic journey through the achievements of our first year together!

Countless among us have traversed the treacherous terrain of Dead Island 2's main storyline, emerging victorious in the face of undead hordes.

While each of us harbors our own favorite Slayer, have you ever wondered which among them reigns supreme in the hearts of the majority? Let us uncover this mystery together.

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Look how many Zombies were chopped and slashed within a year! That is a great number, but don’t stop Slayin’. We all know that the zompocalypse is not planning to stop, so sharpen your machete and stock up on the med kits!

Behold the staggering numbers of zombies dispatched and dismembered within the span of a year! Impressive, but there is no time to rest: we all know that the zompocalypse is not planning to stop, so sharpen those blades and stock up on med kits, for the battle rages on!

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Speaking of weapons, one particular instrument of destruction has captured the hearts of our community—the machete! So devastatingly effective is its wielder that even the undead feign death at its sight.

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Yet, amid our victories, there lie shadows of defeat... surviving the streets of HELL-A can become a one-of-a-kind challenge. The biggest troublemaker turned out to be Voltaic Screamer! Just look at the death rates, they can make the palms sweat just after hearing their name!

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We hope this will not stop you from enjoying the sun of HELL-A and you will keep slayin’ the undead with a passion and rage. Stay with us, we have more surprises coming!

See You In HELL-A, Slayers!