Patch Notes #3 - Changes and Fixes

Survivors, with the HAUS release, we've rolled out a lot of key game improvements to enhance your HELL-A experience.

Welcome to the third Dead Island 2 quality-of-life patch. In this new update, we are bringing you a much-requested feature: Storage Locker size increase and fixes to some technical issues that you might have faced during your playthrough. Details are outlined in the patch notes below:

Patch Notes

·       Storage locker size increased from 16 up to 64 items.

·       Improved some slow texture streaming for Gen 8 consoles.

·       Fixed a few blockers caused by NPC’s not appearing on Xbox consoles.

·       Fixed an issue that prevented some players from completing the ‘Blueprints Found’ counting stat.

·       Fixed a potential PS4 to PS5 cross save issue.

·       Various co-op gameplay issues fixed, most relating to game behaviour for clients (players who join the session).

·       Various minor skill card and weapon perk/mods bugs fixed.

·       Various minor UI bugs fixed

·       Stability Improvements and various freezes fixed

See you in Hell-A, keep slayin'!